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Carl Barks finished pre-drawing for The Flying Dutchman - Original art

Carl Barks finished pre-drawing for The Flying Dutchman

Original art


This is a finished pencil and ink predrawing for The Flying Dutchman paintings from 1972. Barks even put in a bit of red. The format is the same as the paintings. If you look carefully, you can see the grids he used for the painting. This drawing was published in the German book Wer ist Carl Barks, page 92.


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About Carl Barks

Carl Barks was an American cartoonist, author, and painter. He is best known for his comics about Donald Duck and as the creator of Scrooge McDuck. He worked anonymously until late in his career; fans dubbed him The Duck Man and The Good Duck Artist. In 1987, Barks was one of the three inaugural inductees of the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame.