Dans la collection de occultis 
Carl Barks - Uncle Scrooge #59  page - Planche originale

Carl Barks - Uncle Scrooge #59 page

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
Upper Halfpage
Lower Halfpage


North of the Yukon story, page 14

Inscriptions / Signatures



This page from "North of the Yukon" features all principal characters in the story: Scrooge, Donald, the nephews, the heroic dog Barko and the villain Soapy Slick.
The story (published at least 94 times in more than 16 countries) was later picked up by Don Rosa ("Last Sled to Dawson" and others) and deeply woven into his famous "Life of $crooge" history...

I got this page in a transfer, and I have left the comments as they were - even my own.

Between 1942 and 1966/67 Barks wrote and drew over 6700 comic book pages, most of which have sadly been destroyed. Only a mere 200 pages have survived the times...

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A propos de Carl Barks

Carl Barks est un auteur de bande dessinée américain. Employé par Western Publishing, un éditeur de "comics" américains pour Disney, il dessina pendant de nombreuses années des bandes dessinées mettant en scène le personnage de Donald Duck et ses proches.Il a grandement étoffé l'univers de Donaldville, en créant notamment Balthazar Picsou et la plupart des personnages qui s'y rapportent.