En vente - Yaguruma Kennosuke by Taku Horie - Weekly Shõnen Magazine - Kodansha & Akita Shoten * pg57 - Planche originale

Yaguruma Kennosuke by Taku Horie - Weekly Shõnen Magazine - Kodansha & Akita Shoten * pg57

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
25 x 36 cm (9.84 x 14.17 in.)
Prix : 225 €  [$]


Planche originale par Taku Horie
from his most famous Manga series Yagaruma Kennosuke.
Published in Weekly Shõnen Magazine - Kodansha & Akita Shoten
Taku Horie is undeniably a true celebrity, and not just in Japan.
He had a unique take on storytelling such as a gun that won't run out of bullets no matter how much the hero shoots.
Taku Horie drew with a surreal finesse close to Shigeru Sugiura, but he also had the ability to put quite realistic images on paper.
He often drew in large frames or spreads, but also outside those frames, which was hugely innovative for its time (1959)
Yaguruma Kennosuke was published in 1959 and then in 1967, 1976, 1984 & 1993

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