Dans la collection de Mario1968
Gabriele Dell'Otto, Dave Gibbons, Watchmen 20 Anni Dopo Cover,Gabrielle Dell'Otto - Couverture originale

Watchmen 20 Anni Dopo Cover,Gabrielle Dell'Otto

Couverture originale
Peinture - acrylique
Cover pub.
Gibbons pencil...


Best published non-Gibbons Watchmen Cover !
Cover for the 20th Anniversary tribute book from Italy by Master Gabrielle Dell'Otto !
the painted cover artwork is on 11X17 Marvel Bristol Board !
Dell'Otto painted art based on a pencil drawing by Dave Gibbons...for more info:

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A propos de Gabriele Dell'Otto

Gabriele Dell'Otto est un illustrateur et dessinateur de comics Italien. Gabriele Dell'Otto travaille pour Marvel Comics et DC Comics.

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