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Jean-Claude Mézières, Valerian Par les Chemins de l'Espace page - Planche originale

Valerian Par les Chemins de l'Espace page

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


I must admit to being late to the Valerian party. I only started reading the series a little over a year ago. I knew Mezieres's name but had not realized this series had been translated into English. It took me very little time to find and read all the available editions and I a thoroughly a fan of this roller-coaster ride of a space opera. I was already a fan when I heard that Besson was making a film and was quite excited. While I liked some of things he did with the movie I couldn't get over how poorly cast Valerian was and how off the mark the movie was from the source material. Sometimes it is just better to dream about your favorite comics turning into movies rather than have it become a reality. Happy to add this early, small page to my collection. Perhaps one day I will find another, large format page with the content I hope for...until then this will make me very happy.

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A propos de Jean-Claude Mézières

Jean-Claude Mézières est un dessinateur français de bande dessinée. Il est le père de la série de science-fiction Valérian et Laureline, avec un ami d'enfance, Pierre Christin (scénariste), et sa sœur, Évelyne Tranlé (coloriste).