For sale - Giulio De Vita, Tex avec fusil devant un arbre - Original Illustration

Tex avec fusil devant un arbre

Original Illustration
21 x 29.7 cm (8.27 x 11.69 in.)
Price : 250 €  [$]


Dessin au pinceau sur papier 300g


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About Giulio De Vita

Giulio De Vita studied Visual Advertising and Modern Art and Cinema. He began a longtime collaboration with Emanuele Barison, as an inker. He worked extensively in the advertising field. He illustrated some episodes of 'Lazarus Ledd' in 1992. He expanded his activities and worked as a videomaker and storyboard artists. He also illustrated several covers for Marvel Italia. He returned to comics in 1998, illustrating 'Les Ombres de la Lagune' with text by François Corteggiani at the French publishing house Soleil in 1998.