For sale - Moebius, Storyboard

Storyboard "Les maitres du temps"

Original Illustration
37 x 27 cm (14.57 x 10.63 in.)
Price : 250 €  [$]


Dessin original au crayon sur papier calque.
Story-board pour le plan 533 du dessin animé "les maitres du temps" de MOEBIUS et René LALOUX (1982).

Probablement dessiné par un assistant.

Taille dessin 19,5 x 32 cm
Feuille 27 x 37 cm

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About Moebius

Moebius nickname of Jean Henri Gaston Giraud was a French artist, cartoonist and writer who worked in the Franco-Belgian bandes dessinées (BD). Giraud garnered worldwide acclaim predominantly under the pseudonym Moebius and to a lesser extent Gir which he used for the Blueberry series and his Western themed paintings.