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Sal Buscema, Tony DeZuniga, Savage Sword of Conan #39 page 12 par Sal Buscema & Tony deZuniga (1979) - Planche originale

Savage Sword of Conan #39 page 12 par Sal Buscema & Tony deZuniga (1979)

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


Savage Sword of Conan #39 page 12 par Sal Buscema & Tony deZuniga


"Légions of the Dead", scénario de Roy Thomas d'après Lyon Sprague de Camp et Lin Carter
Conan joins a group of Aesir and goes hunting with Njal, their chieftan. Upon returning, the tribe goes after a group of scouts sent to a nearby fortress to see what happened to them. The scouts are being tortured to death by the Witchmen of the fortress. Njal returns to camp to decide what to do next, but Conan sneaks away and steals inside the fortress to find Njal's kidnapped daughter. He breaks her out and returns to the tribe, pausing only to light the fortress on fire. The Hyperboreans follow the tribe as it retreats and the Aesir discover to their horror their pursuers are the zombies of their comrades and charred remains of Hyperboreans. The undead slaughter the living, but Conan manages to unseat Vammatar and steal her horse, taking Rann with him, but the zombies pull him to the ground, only sparing his life when Vammatar commands he be taken as a slave. Rann, however, escapes.
Source : Marvel Database

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A propos de Sal Buscema

Sal Buscema (Silvio Buscema) est un dessinateur de comics. Vers le milieu des années 1960, il commence à encrer les planches de son frère John Buscema engagé en 1966 par Stan Lee pour Marvel Comics. Il quitte ensuite ce rôle et devient dessinateur pour de nombreuses séries de Marvel, en particulier : Captain America.

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