For sale - Philippe DRUILLET - Salammbô - Bleu de mise en couleur pour la planche 33 - Original art

Philippe DRUILLET - Salammbô - Bleu de mise en couleur pour la planche 33

Original art
circa 1980
Mixed Media
35.3 x 43.2 cm (13.9 x 17.01 in.)
Price : 2,500 €  [$]


Bleu de mise en couleur pour la planche 33 de Salammbô
Éditions Dargaud, 1980-1985
Techniques mixtes sur papier et impression trait noir sur rhodoïd
35,3 x 43,2 cm



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About Philippe Druillet

Philippe Druillet, born in Toulouse, is a French comic strip artist and scriptwriter. In addition to his work as a comic book artist and illustrator, he has also taken an interest in rock opera, painting, sculpture, architecture and computer graphics.