Dans la collection de Simone74
Claudio Castellini, LOIS LANE & CLARK KENT. - Planche originale


Planche originale
circa 2008
29 x 43 cm (11.42 x 16.93 in.)
" Man and Superman".
" Man and Superman" deluxe edition.
Lois Lane 1
Lois Lane 2
Lois Lane 3


"Man and Superman" page 78.

Inscriptions / Signatures

Signed by Castellini Claudio.


Claudio Castellini for my taste is a master of the medium. Unfortunately he haven't realized many works because his detailed and accurate style, his attention at the human anatomy have always demanded to him much time and dedication. This page is from " Man and Superman", a story arc that should have been realized with the writter Marv Wolfman for the regular serie: " Superman Confidential" ( DC comics 2006) but the serie was canceled after only 14 numbers in April 2008 before Claudio was able to finish it. So the story remained in limbo until last years when finally was collected and published by DC comics in a single book with the title: " Man and Superman" thanks to Wolfman' s efforts. The story ( one of the favorite by Wolman himself) is simple and linear and is focused on the Clark Kent arrival from Smallville to Metropolis and the first encounter with the gorgeous journalist Lois Lane. Castellini here is a great shape, his style is elegant, realistic and in my opinion his Lois Lane is one of the most beatiful I' m able to remember. The coloring process has been realized directly on the pencil pages without the traditional inking phase but using a particular photoshop program capable to enhance, to improve the pencils ' s blacks.

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A propos de Claudio Castellini

Claudio Castellini rentre dans le monde de la BD en rencontrant Rino et Pino Rinaldi. De fil en aiguille, il travaille chez Bonelli, sans doute le plus célèbre éditeur de fumetti, puisqu'il a à son catalogue des personnages comme Tex Willer, Dylan Dog, Martin Mystère, Nick Raider ou Nathan Never. Là, il travaille sur Dylan Dog et Martin Mystère, dont il signe quelques numéros et quelques couvertures. Il a fait un numéro spécial consacré à Groucho, l'acolyte de Dylan Dog, et un autre numéro exceptionnel marquant le cross-over entre Dylan et Martin. Claudio lance ensuite Nathan Never, dont il signe tous les designs et le premier épisode, ainsi qu'une floppée de couvertures. Mais visiblement, pour des problèmes de droit et/ou de sale caractère, il quitte Bonelli en claquant la porte et en abandonnant sa création. Il est remarqué par Marvel Comics pour qui il fera quelques boulots, notamment des couvertures de Fantastic Four Unlimited à partir de 1993, puis DC versus Marvel, encré par Paul Neary, un fill-in de Spider-Man entre deux épisodes de John Romita Jr, ou encore un magnifique graphic novel du Silver Surfer: Dangerous Artifacts sur scénario de Ron Marz en 1996.