Dans la collection de occultis 
Stan Drake, Kelly Green La Flibuste de la BD page 23 - Planche originale

Kelly Green La Flibuste de la BD page 23

Planche originale
Encre de Chine
The female comic art dealer is killed. A S&M game gone too far? Or an angry comic art buyer?


Of Leonard Starr´ s and Stan Drake´ s Kelly Green series, only four of five albums were originally published in the US. This is difficult to understand. The fifth one, from 1987, takes place at and around the San Diego Comic-con. The heroine Kelly Green is as sexy and as tough as ever. There are cameo appearances from several comic greats. The story has a plot combining Comic Art collecting and (an unhealthy bit of) S&M, with one of the main characters being a female comic art dealer into S&M. What more could US comic readers - and especially comic art collectors - want......?
This page depicts the scene where the body of the murdered comic art dealer is discovered.


  • La flibuste de la B.D.
  • Dargaud
  • 10/1987
  • Page 25

Voir aussi :   Kelly Green

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A propos de Stan Drake

Stanley Albert Drake est un auteur de bande dessinée réaliste américain notamment connu pour la série Juliette de mon cœur.