In comixfan  's collection
Commission Roberto Ricci - Original art

Commission Roberto Ricci

Original art
Color prelim
Inked drawing
Pencil rough drawing
Proposed designs


It is a little over one year ago I visited with my friend Arnaud in Paris. He showed me his art collection and I learned about several new artists. Of all the pieces I saw, the one I was most impressed with was a commission he had by Roberto Ricci. I looked at it several times and I have been back to his gallery many times to visit it too. I have since added a piece of art by Roberto to my collection and early on I contacted him about doing a commission. He has been very busy with personal and professional obligations but the commission is finally done. I asked for a lot to be added in the back ground. The pieces features Ishrat, a character from his BD Urbain. I really like the look she had with the logos on her. It was something quite unique and that stayed with me. The world or Urban is very much that of Blade Runner and so I asked for the some of the Blade Runner characters to appear in the back ground. Zora, Pris, Rachel and Deckard all appear as does the blymp with the advertising. You will also see Kaneda and his bike from Akira and Leelou from the 5th element. It was a fun process going through this with Roberto (at least for me) and he kept me up to date often. I will take delivery of this piece in Lucca in two weeks. There are some work in progress pictures as well including the 7 initial layouts that were proposed to me.

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About Roberto Ricci

Roberto Ricci is an Italian illustrator and cartoonist best known for the Urban series.