In Zibbhebu  's collection
Xavier Musquera, Ce soir à Chiraz, Vicomte - Le Vicomte n°16 page 77, comics pocket, Artima, juin 1980 - Comic Strip

Ce soir à Chiraz, Vicomte - Le Vicomte n°16 page 77, comics pocket, Artima, juin 1980

Comic Strip


  • Ce soir à chiraz, vicomte
  • Arédit
  • 06/1980
  • Interior page


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About Xavier Musquera

Born in Barcelona, Xavier Musquera published his first illustrations at the age of seventeen. After publications in Barcelona, he began producing material for Britain (Thomson) and Italy (Mondadori). In 1974 he created the series 'Le Vicomte' for the Arédit periodical La Louve. From then on, Musquera specialized in adult comics, becoming a regular artist for Elvifrance and Campus publishers. Until the 1990s he worked in this field for several collections (Dossier X, Série Jaune, Série Rouge, etc.).