Dans la collection de DietmarKrueger 
John Buscema, Vince Colletta, 1967-09 Buscema/Colletta: Avengers #44 p11 - Planche originale

1967-09 Buscema/Colletta: Avengers #44 p11

Planche originale
Encre de Chine


A twice up page with the personified struggle between the USA and the USSR in the cold war. The bodies of the two opponents form a yin yang symbol in multiple panels ...

"As readers had come to expect, nothing stood still in the inter-related Marvel universe where characters were born, grew, evolved and even died. It was a sense of chronology and continuity wholly lacking anywhere & in the comics industry. But the writing wasn't the only thing that recommends this book, there's the art too and, despite the growing inadequacies of his approach to inking, it was a testament to Colletta's skill that if he'd only respected the material he worked on, he could enhance any artist's work to the point of undoubted beauty and grace. Matched this issue with artist John Buscema (who himself was in a transitory phase between comics art traditionalism and the new, more action-oriented Marvel style), Colletta's fine line, detailed inking gives the artist's work a sheen of sophistication that's real easy on the eyes. From the first page (...) to a gorgeous two-page sequence featuring the Guardian's fight with counterpart Captain America (where Buscema shows off his mastery of the human from in no uncertain terms!) .... Colletta showed he still had it. It was a skill that would often be called upon in the twilight years to firm up the doubtful work of artists a good deal less gifted than Buscema."
-- Pierre Comtois: Marvel Comics in the 1960s, p. 176, Avengers #44

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A propos de John Buscema

John Buscema est un dessinateur de comics américain. Il fut dans les années 1970 l'un des principaux dessinateurs de la Marvel Comics et sut assurer grâce à son talent le succès de nombreuses séries parmi lesquelles : les Vengeurs, le Surfer d'Argent et Wolverine. Mais trouvant peu de plaisir dans le dessin des super-héros, John Buscema ne s'est jamais aussi parfaitement bien exprimé qu'en animant des personnages d'heroic fantasy comme Conan le Barbare.

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